Church Near Me in Hawai`i

Church Near in Hawai`i There are these churches near Hawai`i to provide information on mass, worship, activities, programs, and contact information of other churches.

We offer details of the Church Near in Hawai`i regarding mass times, worship, activities, programs, and contact information, the services provided by the church to the congregation, data about the congregation and church community, social services, health, education, and so forth.

Those seeking information about the address of the Church Near in Hawai`i can find it here.

List of Church Near in Hawai`i Those in need of a clinic located at the Church Near in Hawai`i can directly contact the recommended Google dental clinic contact below. Do not hesitate to visit the Church Near in Hawai`i.

Those in need of assistance with more precise information about Church Near in Hawai`i regarding details of mass times, worship, activities, and programs of other churches, services provided by the church to the congregation and the surrounding community, such as social services, health, education, and so on, information about the pastors, ministers, or other staff members serving in the church, data about the congregation and church community, as well as ways to get involved and participate in church activities, the church's address, telephone number, email, website, and other contact information to reach the church.

Here is the Church Near in Hawai`i:

1. Roman Catholic Church in Hawai`i

The Roman Catholic Church is one of the Christian denominations with a widespread congregation worldwide. It also upholds rich traditions and doctrines such as sacraments, prayers, liturgy, and social teachings. The Roman Catholic Church in Hawai`i has various religious orders, such as the Franciscans, Jesuits, and others, which make significant contributions to education, community service, and missions worldwide.

2. Eastern Orthodox Church in Hawai`i

The Eastern Orthodox Church is one of the two main branches of Orthodox Christianity along with the Oriental Orthodox Church. It has a rich history originating from ancient Eastern Christianity and a close relationship with the Eastern Roman Empire.

The Eastern Orthodox Church in Hawai`i follows very ancient theological traditions and rituals, preserving the teachings of Jesus Christ to His apostles. It has a strong ecclesiastical hierarchy led by bishops or patriarchs considered successors to the apostles.

3. Protestant Church in Hawai`i

The Protestant Church is a group of Christian churches that emerged from the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. It consists of various streams or denominations that separated from the Roman Catholic Church in response to dissatisfaction with its teachings and practices.

Some Protestant Churches in Hawai`i are Lutheran, Calvinist/Reformed, Baptist, Methodist, and many more. These churches have different beliefs and practices but generally acknowledge the authority of the Bible as a guide for faith and religious practices.

4. Anglican Church in Hawai`i

The Anglican Church is a Christian denomination that originated in England and has roots in the English Reformation of the 16th century. It has a long and rich history and diversity of theology and traditions among its congregations worldwide.

The Anglican Church in Hawai`i emphasizes ancient Church traditions, with some liturgical elements and worship inherited from the Catholic Church tradition. However, the Anglican Church also adopts some principles of the Protestant Reformation, such as the doctrine that salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ. With a growing membership, the Anglican Church in Hawai`i has become a center of religious activities and services in the region.

5. Baptist Church in Hawai`i

The Baptist Church is one of the Protestant Christian denominations with its own history and beliefs. The Baptist Church has historical roots dating back to the 17th century in England.

The Baptist Church in Hawai`i emphasizes service to the community, missions, and spreading the Gospel as an integral part of the church's mission. As one of the Christian denominations with a long history, the Baptist Church in Hawai`i makes significant contributions to the spiritual life of the local community.

6. Lutheran Church in Hawai`i

The Lutheran Church is one of the branches of the Protestant Church that originated from the Protestant Reformation in Germany in the 16th century. It was founded by Martin Luther and follows the teachings and theological traditions he developed.

The Lutheran Church in Hawai`i also plays a role in spreading religious teachings and values to the surrounding population, thus playing an important part in social and religious life in the area.

7. Calvinist Church in Hawai`i

The Calvinist Church, also known as the Reformed Calvinist Church, is one of the Protestant Christian denominations that adhere to the teachings and theology developed by John Calvin, a theologian and leader of the Swiss Reformation Church.

In Hawai`i, the Calvinist Church serves as a place of worship and gatherings for Christians who choose to follow the reformist teachings proposed by John Calvin. With distinctive worship traditions and doctrines, the Calvinist Church in Hawai`i provides a space for its congregation to grow in faith and serve others.

8. Methodist Church in Hawai`i

The Methodist Church is a Christian denomination that originated from a religious movement led by John Wesley, an Anglican priest in the 18th century in England.

The Methodist Church in Hawai`i provides a comprehensive overview of the existence and role of this church in the life of the local community.

9. Advent Church in Hawai`i

The Advent Church is one of the Christian denominations that holds unique theological doctrines, such as beliefs about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Sabbath, and faith in the Bible as the highest authority in life.

The Advent Church in Hawai`i serves as a place of worship and spiritual gatherings for its members. The presence of this church is a manifestation of the diversity of Christian denominations that make important contributions to the diversity of religious life in the region.

10. Oriental Orthodox Church in Hawai`i

The Oriental Orthodox Church is a group of Christian churches that are historically and theologically connected to the non-Chalcedonian theological beliefs, historically maintained by Orthodox churches before the major Christian split at the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD).

The Oriental Orthodox Church in Hawai`i contributes to enriching the diversity of religious life and cultural diversity in the region.

The Church Near in Hawai`i play a significant role in the lives of the local community. With various denominations and differing beliefs, these churches serve as places of worship and communities for their congregants. Despite differences in worship, doctrines, and traditions, these churches remain important places for strengthening faith, building relationships among believers, and serving the surrounding community.

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